Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 1Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 2Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 3Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 4Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 5Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 6Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 7Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 8Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 9Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 10Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 11Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 12Conceptual design for a centre of business and trade activity 13Public buildingsTrade and business center Stara Zagora Projectbul. "Sveti Patriarh Evtimiy" | Stara ZagoraARCHITECT: Banko Banov